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Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

January 13, 2016

Sapa Travel: visit traditional markets

Can Cau or as it commonly known the Bac Ha Market though it is similar in many ways, both Can Cau and Bac Ha markets have something for you to discover while vacationing in Vietnam and specially in north-west and to the Sapa region. If you are juggling your Vietnam packages tours to northwest of Vietnam and be in this area on a Saturday (Can Cau) or Sunday (Bac Ha), which should you opt for?
The simple answer is: the markets are remarkably similar in many ways, both are predominately attended by flower H’mong and both sell a similar range of products, so if your timing only enables you to visit one, don’t worry that you are missing out the other – you’ll get a good experience whichever you visit. However some notable differences between the two may sway your decision and on a particular note, Can Cau is further from Lao Cai train station and Sapa, it’s around a 45 minute drive from Bac Ha, or just around three hours from Lao Cai. This is not such a big deal if you’re visiting the area on organized tours, but if you’re on the bus you’ll need to change in Bc Ha, and as the buses only run at 8am or 9am – information is sketchy that likely means an overnight stay.
bac ha market
In theory it’s possible to arrive by train from Hanoi in Lao Cai, catch the 6:30 bus to Bac Ha and still make it, the same bus back to Bac Ha from Can Cau at 2pm.
Practicalities aside, the setting of Can Cau market is truly magnificent. Not only does the drive there afford some breathtaking views along the Sapa valley – if you’re on a motorbike, it’s worth the drive there alone – but the market itself has a backdrop of tree-covered mountains and ethnic villages. Its shame there’s no café or bar there in which to while away a few hours. Although the view across the lake in Bac Ha is impressive, it doesn’t have quite the same effect.

Bac Ha vs Can Cau

bac ha livestock section
Bac Ha market is of course bigger, however, we were surprised at how compact Can Cau market was compared with the sprawling mass of Bac Ha market, which seems to take over the town, So although the basic goods sold are the same – hardware, meat, vegetables, livestock, souvenirs – Bac Ha has a greater variety of produce on offer and can keep any tourist entertained for longer. Bac Ha also has more options for sitting and enjoying a coffee or a cold drink as a break from the market and although both have plenty of food stalls, if you prefer to sit in a chair and choose from a menu, Bac Ha is the place for you.
The livestock section is one of the main attractions of both markets, and although Bac Ha is livelier and more varied, we really liked this section at CAN Cau. We only saw cows and buffalo or sale – no squealing pigs or clacking chicken – but the setting is beautiful and at least five minutes can be spend watching the buffalo enjoy the mud bath. Song birds are also on sale in Can Cau market.

Luxury Travel Vietnam, LTD

Hamid writes articles and blogs in order to introduce travelers the real beauties of Vietnam and Indochina, plan for a Vietnam vacation packages and include beach, holidays, ancient sites, food, culture and more as that’s Vietnam and it has it all.

December 5, 2015

Cambodia tour packages from Phnom Penh

Deciding a Cambodia tour packages that its not hard to imagine Phnom Penh in its heyday, with wide, shady boulevards, beautiful French building and exquisite pagodas. They are still all here and but are in a derelict, dust-blown, decaying state surrounded by growing volumes of cars, pickup trucks and motorcyclists. It all leaves you wondering how a city like this works. But it does, somehow.
Cambodia Tour Packages – Know Phnom Penh
Being in Phnom Penh is like being in a wonderland, you see chaos, you see beauties, you see historic temples and art and culture altogether. The city has passed through a  bloody turbulent in the 70's when the khmer rouge used to rule the country, when in Phnom Phenh try to visit the S.21 victims at the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum to get familiar with the contemporary status of the country. However, past is past and we are only see it as a history that cant be denied, there are other activities that can be taken when in the capital city, try the joyful mekong river cruise that will be ended with a authentic khmer dinner at night. And, above all, if you are a fan of more boat trip plan your Siem reap trip through the Tonle Sap lake via the express boat.
The gigantic royal palace of Phnom Penh, is open to all, to any visitors as it was a daily reminder of this ultimate authority whom even the khmer rouge had to treat with caution. The royal palace area, with its glittering spires, wats or temples, stupas, national museum and broad green spaces, is perfectly situated alongside the river and is as pivotal to the city as the city is to the whole Cambodia.
cambodia tour packages

Getting to Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh international airport lies approximately 10 KM west of the city on the road No 4. There are flights to Phnom Penh from Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Vientiane and Siem reap. A taxi from the airport to the city center should not cost more than US$ 7 and a motorbike about US$3 and the whole journey takes between 40 minutes and one hour, although at peak times the roads are often gridlocked, so be prepared for delays in the morning and late afternoons.

Boat and bus travel

Most of the Cambodia tour packages are getting into the country via southern Vietnam and through the Mekong delta with several boats. It is possible to get to the Phnom Penh by boat and bus from Chau Doc in Vietnam and by road crossing at Moc Bai.
cambodia tour packages from southern vietnam

Getting around the Phnom Penh

Lomphatas (motorbikes taxis) provide the nearest things to taxis in Phnom Penh. If you are traveling alone, then ask your hotel to arrange you car-hire services, but if you travel with a tour then your package is included all the transfers as well as the transportations between each destination, however, you may want to get the more of city then most motorbikes ubiquitous. Most visitors use the local motodops where you ride on the back as a quick and efficient way of getting around after the tour hours. Be advised that riding a moto can be risky; wear a helmet. There are cyclos too, which undoubtedly appeal to many tourists as almost all Cambodia tour packages include a ride through the city on their itineraries.
At present there is no public transport system in Phnom Penh. A bus network has been mooted and there’s even talk of a futuristic sky train to link the river with the airport but without any concerns plans in place at this stage both projects seem years away. When traveling on any form of public transport in Phnom Penh, be wary of bag snatchers.

Luxury Travel Vietnam, LTD

Plan your Cambodia tour packages and travel with experts of Luxury arts. Luxury Travel Vietnam with the touching hearts as their slogan will provides the WOW services to the MOST sophisticated travelers. Our services covering the Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand.